ALA 2020 Panel: Pauline E. Hopkins and Social Justice

The Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins Society is pleased to announce its panelists for the 31st Annual Conference of the American Literature Association, to be held May 21-24 in San Diego, California.  A business meeting will follow the panel; times for both will be announced when available.

Pauline E. Hopkins and Social Justice
Organized by the Pauline E. Hopkins Society
Chair: John Cyril Barton, University of Missouri, Kansas City
Respondent: John Gruesser, Sr. Research Scholar, Sam Houston State University

1. “‘After Seeming Death’: Justice and the Making of Equivocal Bodies in Pauline Hopkins’s Of One Blood,” Hubert Cook, Connecticut College

2. “Creative Plagiarism as Folk Historiography in Pauline Hopkins’s Winona,” Emily Mulvihill, University of California, Riverside

3. “‘Caste Prejudice, race pride, boundless wealth, scintillating intellects’: Pauline Hopkins’s Response to Booker T. Washington in The Colored American and Of One Blood, Kelsey Flint-Martin, University of South Carolina

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